Wednesday, March 19, 2008

India Arie or Beyonce?

The 70's was the disco ball, bell bottoms and Afro era!! It seems like all theses elements have made a come back with the exception of the Afro!..Offcourse theres a few ladies rocking thier Fro's but you cant deny that more ladies are rocking relaxed hair, and Weaves!! I am soo very guilty of rocking weaves myself!...At this point Ive forgotten the color, length and texture of my hair :-(..Yes i'm ashamed...but can you blame me?It so much easier to rock a weave and so affordable when you are a student or even working full time!!...(My people yes I'm good at making exsuses)...

But the question I have to ask is, India Arie( Fro) or Beyonce(Weave/Perm)? tell me which one sells more records?...LOL

A group on facebook called,'Ghanians rocking thier hair natural' got me thinking about this! I felt like I had sold out or renounced my "Africaness" by wearing weaves and a perm! I personally think its a choice and I dont think anyone should be critized for having either hair!..If i'm renouncing my roots then maybe I should be rocking my Kente in this -30 degrees weather?..Maybe I should not be speaking vernacular?...Or should I be eating with my hands as my forefathers and mothers did?...Should I?...

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Great Blog coffie.Enjoy blogging and I hope to see more stuff about Ghana. I am definately a weave person but like you said its an individual choice!

Anonymous said...

well good luck girl. is that beyonce or ciara??

Coffie said...

Thank you sooo much Syndeytish for visiting my blog...I know it looks a lot like Ciara but its actually Beyonce on the cover of Essence...