Monday, August 18, 2008

Oh No He Did Not Just Say That !!!!!!!!!!!!

Plain Foolywang Material is what Pastor Manning is!! ( Refer to for definition of Foolywang). This is truly disturbing! How can a "pastor" be this disrespectful and insulting to another human being. I would expect that at his age he would know the definition of true beauty.This type of behaviour will not even be displayed by a middle schooler. I consider this more disrespectful to the very One who Pastor Manning supposedly serves - GOD. Doesnt he realize that God created everyone, himself, Michelle Obama , Whoopi Goldberg and everyone else on this earth alike!WOW
Regardless of where you stand politically no one should encourage this. And frankly i'm debating posting this because i'm only helping him spread his filthy message. So I'm posting this with a WARNING- Reader Be Prepared to be Disgusted!