Monday, June 30, 2008

Art or Racism?

Italian Vogue (July)
American Vogue/Godzilla

Italian Vogue has choosen to honour Black beauty by featuring only black models in its entire July issue, and I'm sure you have heard this if you are from Earth. In case you're a Martian, let me educate you a bit.

Renowned models, Tyra Banks, Naomi Campbell, Tocarra( from ANTM and one of my favorite ANTM alumni), will be featured in the issue along with afro-centered articles and such. In other words, its Italien Vogue meets Essence magazine, for one week.Its definately exciting to have a mag feature Black models in a time when not enough runway models are colored.

But my question is, is this Art or is this just an attempt to gain publicity?In which case should a colored person be excited or feel used? I'm sure this is a bold fashion statement, crossing the political line somewhat. But is one month out of twelve really enough? Absolutely not! Vogue should incorporate the use of Black models on a regular basis.

And then there is the American edition of Vogue, which celebrated athletism along with fashion.On the cover was LeBron James and Gisele Bundchen in a pose which cynics discribe as racist. Its not until I saw the cover vis a vis Godzilla's poster that I saw the similarities.And now I have joined the cynics.
Personally, Im not over the moon about the issue. Yes, I'll confess I will grab a copy but its not to say that I'm totally in awe of this whole fiasco!


The Author said...

Aaah, you open my eyes. I would never have made any such sub-level connections. You are very deep. I have my suspicions about your age :-)

Hair Azara said...

I am shocked and I think Vogue trying to embrace blackness is all B-S, esp. with that lebron coveR. i MEan they have enough people working at vogue to be like em....this cover is just not right. I will buy it just to see what they talk about...actually scratch that. I won't buy it. I am utterly disgusted with this cover.

Anonymous said...

"But is one month out of twelve really enough?" You hit the nail right on the head dear! Very true, they should show their support for black models by doing a lot more!

Anonymous said...

Europeans (a.k.a Whites, also known as Caucasians) have always used Blacks/People of color from the beginning of time and this is just one of their lies. Trying to make us feel like-oh! They have accepted us now as equals. They think they can get away with every deceiving act against Blacks/People of color (and most of the time they do, which is sad) but what they don’t realize is that GOD is watching them.
Well, that’s all I have to say for now. Adios Amigos!

Coffie said...

Nana - I would dare not lie about my age,lol..No woman would;-).
But I'll take it as you are simply flattering me.

Hair Azara - I was just as shocked when I chanced upon this side by side picture of LeBron and King Kong.It's evidence of thier true intention.

Minky - I know you blogged about this a while ago. Thanks for you two cents.

Akua - I couldnt agree with you more. Vogue is just a minimal representation of the bigger picture. I wonder if or when this difference between skin color will disapear? Thanks for stopping by and come back again :-)